Hi Mike,

thank you very much for the proposal, where I could fix the problem for my system. But I still have to think, how to make a permanent workaround in the x2gostartagent script.

- if I use icewm windowmanager with selinux and x2goserver / x2goclient everything is fine and the .Xauthority file has the right permissions - if I use the kde or gnome windowmanager the .Xauthority permissions will be modified to the wrong permissions - when the home directory is on a nfsserver with no selinux installed and the x2goserver system uses selinux, there is no problem at all. Trying to fix the selinux permissions will give the error message 'Operation not supported'

So I think, it is a problem of the kde and gnome windowmanager.
For the kde windowmanager, I put a chcon statement at the end of the /usr/bin/startkde script.
I'm still looking for a workaround for the gnome windowmanager.



Nonono... I actually think there is something wrong with X2Go Server.

X2Go Client / PyHoca-GUI (another X2Go client app) should immitate what SSH does.

As the X2Go clients call the script /usr/bin/x2gostartagent and this script fiddles with the .Xauthority files via xauth, we should make sure that after modifying the .Xauthority file the SELinux permissions stay intact.

Can you please add your proposed chcon command into x2gostartagent (near line 268, there is another position further up for shadow sessions) after xauth has been called and see it that fixes your troubles.

Next step: please provide me with an if clause that will test if SELinux is in use or not, so we can call chcon only if SELinux is in use on that system.


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