If this is a loop waiting for something to happen...  why not do X loops
at relatively rapid succession and after loop count hits X then
incrementally make it slower and slower (since things obviously arent
working out or taking too long) and when loop count hits Y either
stabilize the loop speed at a less aggressive rate and if things really
really truly is not working out... at some point give up and clean up.

This keeps responsiveness high when everything is working fine and keeps
things from going bananas when things aren't going quite as one would
wish for...

On 01/22/2014 10:36 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> With libssh 0.6.0, x2goclient consumes 100% cpu on connection.  The trigger
> for this is that ssh_select() was rewritten to use poll() instead of select().
>  poll() has a timeout in milliseconds, select() in microseconds.  x2goclient
> requests a timeout of 500 microseconds which is getting rounded down to a
> timeout of 0 milliseconds for poll().
> However, this still seems to point to some poor coding on the part of
> x2goclient that we're using such short timeouts.  Why can't we just wait
> forever in ssh_select() in SshMasterConnection::channelLoop() ?

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