On  Do 05 Mär 2015 16:33:17 CET, Michael DePaulo wrote:

Hi everybody,

This is something I wanted to discuss at our meeting today:


For those who do not know, VcXsrv is a port of the X.org X server to
Windows. Specifically, the MS Visual C compiler. X2Go Client for
Windows bundles and uses it. So does PyHoca-GUI.

SourceForge lots you create personal git repos based off of official
project repos. So here is my branch on my personal git repo:

The differences from usptream VcXsrv are:

1. I am currently maintaining the 1.15.2.x branch, rather than the
1.16.x branch of upstream. Upstream never maintains previous
2. I applied the nx-libs compatibility/bugfix patch from Alex,
winmultiwindow.patch . I am keeping this on a branch with the suffix
"-x2gochanges" branch because my convo with Alex indicated that
upstream would not accept it.
3. I am maintaining Windows XP compatibility for the time being.
4. I respond quickly to security vulnerabilities in xorg-server and
all the other bundled components (e.g., openssl, freetype2, X11 libs)
Upstream simply updates/upgrades each component to the latest versions
(even unreleased master branches often) on a seemingly arbitrary

There are a few problems with using SourceForge:

1. SourceForge's support for git is terrible. Whenever I attempted a
"request merge" from branch Y on my repo to the master branch on the
usptream VcXsrv repo, it treid to merge my master branch instead.
2. SourceForge has recently done terrible things as GitHub has gained
3. My repo isn't very visible because it is a personal git repo, not a
project repo.
4. Upstream VcXsrv (1 developer, marha) is horribly unresponsive. They
ignore bugs and merge requests for CVEs. Only once have I gotten an
email reply to a merge request. He had a valid reason to reject the
merge request, but he didn't actually reject it, so it is still open.
I never had a bug report replied to. So effectively, staying on
SourceForge does not enable us to upstream anything.

Here is what I propose:

1. Host VcXsrv on both code.x2go.org and
https://github.com/arcticaproject , simiilar to how nx-libs is hosted.
2. Prefer github for issue tracking. If an issue does affect X2Go
users, then use the X2Go BTS and link to the github issue tracker.
3. Create a README.md similar to the one for nx-libs 3.6.x
4. Do not rename VcXsrv. State in the README.md that Arctica and X2Go
are maintaining branch X or branch Y currently, or possibly even 2
branches at once. This is analogous to Linux distros maintaining a
version of a package.
5. In the README.md or the github releases page, link to our builds under:
6. Rebase to VcXsrv 1.16.x in time for X2Go Client
7. Pull from upstream VcXsrv (the master branch) continuously.
8. Hopefully receive many pull requests via GitHub :)


+1 from here.


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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