Control: merge 78 -1

Hi all,

On  Do 05 Mär 2015 17:08:19 CET, André Wöbbeking wrote:

Hi Michael,

On Wednesday 04 March 2015 08:41:20 Michael DePaulo wrote:
Hi Andre.

I know it's been a while since you replied to this bug.

However, the X2Go project and the Arctica Project have started doing
major code cleanups to nx-libs on the new 3.6.x branch. Many of those
code cleanups are big because they involve making nx-libs using the
system version of X11-related libraries rather than nx-libs bundling
its own (horribly outdated) version of those libraries. Those changes
will improve compatibility with some X11 apps, but not Qt5 apps.

After those code cleanups are complete, we will look into either
rebasing nx-libs against the latest, or backporting features
such as newer RandR and XInput2 to nx-libs. In either case, Qt5 apps
will become compatible.

That's great!

There is no ETA though.

Well, with Qt 5.4 plain X11 apps don't crash anymore :-) (but I still get this
warning "QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen").

And QtCreator works for me with "-noload Welcome" (AFAIK this disables a QML
plugin using OpenGL).

Merging this issue (although solved) into #78, the collector for all "Xrandr is too old issues in nx-libs".


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

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