On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Stefan Baur <x2go-m...@baur-itcs.de> wrote:
> Test situation:
> Windows 7, Standard German Keyboard (no Swiss, no IBM)
> x2goclient keyboard settings "autodetect keyboard":
> ^ -> nothing
> ^^ -> h~
> ~ -> ~
> ` -> nothing
> `` -> h~
> ´ -> nothing
> ´´ -> h~
> So only "~" works as expected.

What about ^<space> instead of ^^?

> Now here's the funny part:
> Once you click into a single SSH window belonging to CSSH, and type "^^"
> there, it will become a "^" ...
> and EVERY subsequent typing of "^^", "``", or "´´" will become an "^".
> If you do it with "``" instead, every subsequent typing of any of those
> three characters becomes an "`", and so on.
> x2goclient keyboard settings "pc105 de nodeadkeys":
> Works fine for every single one of those characters, just like with the
> US keyboard.

So if you remove the nodeadkeys, does it work then?

> Changing the keyboard to "Deutsch (IBM)" did not change a thing.
> "Deutsch (IBM)" is not the same as "de-latin1-deadkeys" on Linux, though
> - it merely disables shifting of the number row when capslock is pressed
> (at least that is my understanding).

Yes, you are probably right, sorry for the confusion.

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