> Are you aware of anything that does that and that we could call?
I think that setup with absent homedir && non-configured pam_mkhomedir
is broken anyway and one can only fail gracefully with a good error
Other variants (homedir already exists and/or pam_mkhomedir is
configured) can be covered by calling `su' or `sudo' with appropriate
options (e.g. su -c /bin/true "${user_to_add}").
This would fail if homedir (either existing or not) is located on a
network or encrypted FS (where local root can't do anything without
knowing user's password) but this is a separate issue.

I've also seen posts (e.g.[1]) about `oddjob-mkhomedir' (and I've
already seen it in Debian repos) but I wonder if this way is
production-ready. And this way seems to be more complex.

[1] https://access.redhat.com/discussions/903523
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