> There's also a slight possibility that the removal of libnxau in Arctica's
> nx-libs version (with some code moves to libNX11) causes problems, but we
> haven't seen a problem like this in other (though mostly Debian-based)
> setups yet.

Would any logs show this problem? How can we eliminate this issue being a

The working server machine is able to run from the copr repo
> correctly,
> right?
> > And just to confirm permissions on the .Xauthority file:
> > ls -l .X*

How do I know if it's really "working"? We have this:
rpm -q nx-libs

I didn't provide everything from the journal logs as it was very long but
you got what you needed? Any other commands to try? Re-install? Kernel
is 4.12.13-300.fc26.x86_64 if that helps to know.
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