Hello all,

since this is a packaging bug and not a bug in the code, I wasn't sure
if a bug report should be filled. Instead, I use this mailing list.

We are using

deb http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch main

as source to get updates for x2go under Debian 9.0 "Stretch". Since
today, the dependencies are not correct in this repository:

The package nxagent was updated today to version
2: but this is incompatible with
the package x2goagent (as of version

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 x2goagent : Depends: nxagent (<
E: Broken packages

In order to rule out a temporary dependency issue during upload of new
packages, we waited for 6 hours. The problem still persists.

Kind regards

Dennis Grunert

Dipl.-Math. Dennis Grunert (system administrator)
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
(name in German: Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik)
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
itm...@itm.uni-stuttgart.de, tel +49 711-685-66581, fax -66400
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