Hi All,

I've encountered a problem with the latest ppa packages (stable:
My system runs a samba4 server and my users are named:

"DOMAIN+user" (the plus sign is a literal plus / AD style).

When the session ID for x2go is formed/created the plus sign is stripped
from the user name apparently.
This gives (at least) a problem when changing the state in de DB:

In /usr/share/perl5/X2Go/Server/DB/SQLite3.pm line 403 an attempt is
made to get the 'effective' user name, but that will never happen
because of the stripped out plus sign. As a consequence sessions are not
For now i've made it so my $effective_user == $realuser, but this breaks
desktop sharing functionality.

Sort of the same bug was present in earlier versions, but was fixed
later on.
I've tried to find the script/code where the session id is formed, but
could not find it yet.
I guess that's where this should be fixed though.

Is it possible to get support for these style of user names?!


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