On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:55 AM, James M. Pulver <jmp...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> We are having great success using the X2Go Client on Windows 7. However,
> some outside users are running Windows 8 or Windows Vista, and no matter
> what we can think to do, we cannot get the X2Go Client to run. It starts,
> freezes for a few seconds, says “Cannot Start X Server” and then exits.
> Is this a known problem with those OSs? Is there some configuration to make
> it work? Any ideas?
> James Pulver
> CLASSE Computer Group
> Cornell University

Hi James,

I am the maintainer of the Windows Client.

I am sorry to hear that you are running into this issue.

And I actually do most of my testing on my Windows 8.1 64-bit desktop.

I have seen this problem happen occasionally for various reasons. I
think they have always been due to external factors. So I suspect that
some external factor is the cause.

1st, what version of X2Go Client are you using? For security fixes and
bugfixes, you should be using, but I will still
troubleshoot this issue for you even if you are not:

2nd, are you using 64-bit Windows Vista, 7 and 8 or 32-bit Windows
Vista, 7 and 8?

3rd, is this option set in X2Go Client?
Options -> Setttings -> X-Server settings -> use integrated X-Server

4th, do you have any other X servers running? The only freeware and
FOSS X servers are VcXsrv (which we bundle and use), Xming 6.9, and
Cygwin X11. Commercial ones include Hummingbird/OpenText Exceed.

5th, can you try launching our bundled VcXsrv from the command-line
and see if it launches successfully?

Run this command on 64-bit windows from command prompt:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\x2goclient\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -multiwindow -clipboard :0

or this command on 32-bit windows from command prompt:
"C:\Program Files\x2goclient\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -multiwindow -clipboard :0

VcXsrv should start successfully. You should not see any output in
command prompt. However, you should see the X server tray icon show
up. You can right-click the icon to end the X server.

Note that if VcXsrv does not start successfully, it should tell you
that it wrote a log file with the errors. Please attach that log file
to the reply.

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