Am 11.06.2014 23:39, schrieb brian mullan:
> As 10.x.x.x is non-routeable you must be running in a Virtual Machine
> environment like virtualbox or kvm or vmware? 


10.x.x.x is routable. Like 192.168.x.x and 172.16.x.x etc.

Those ranges are reserved for private use, i.e. behind a NAT, so they're
not unique and don't show up on the public internet - but they're
perfectly routeable within your own, local IP-based network setup.

In fact, most of the machines I sell have a local network in the
192.168.x.z routing to another local network in the 172.16.a.b range and
to another one in the 192.168.y.z range (where y != x).

Works perfectly well.

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