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Am 12.01.2015 um 18:07 schrieb Peter Brodsky <brod...@apl.washington.edu>:

> Looking ahead:  The operational setup is the control system running
> on the Mint machine with a Windows box displaying sonar and video
> data.  I want to put the display for the former on the latter; thus
> X2Go. I've got a GB switch between the 2 machines.

> Now: My user account on the Linux side has no password (before you 
> have a heart attack about security, remember this is a completely 
> isolated network).  I boot up and the desktop for that account
> simply appears.  And brings up the control display panel with it.
> The sub pilot doesn't want to mess around with logging in, etc.

X2Go will not work with no authentication at all.
However, you can use a SSH Public/Private Key pair to authenticate, and
assign no password to the private key.  That way, you can automate the
login and make things work with a simple double-click on the icon.

> Given that - is there a particular order to which I should fire up
> the X2Go client vs. booting up the linux server?

The server should be up and running first.
You can test that with a batch script in which you do
nc -z ip.of.ser.ver 22
(assuming you're using Port 22 for ssh/X2Go, as usual)
nc is available for Windows just as well as for Linux.
the -z tells it to connect to the given IP and port, and quit
immediately.  The error code of nc can then be used to determine whether
the connection was successful.
Whil unsuccessful, make the script wait a few seconds (Microsoft's
recommended way to make a machine wait 1 second is to send a single
ping to, I kid you not), then try again.
Once successful, continue in the script and launch x2goclient.
You will be happy to hear that with x2goclient, it is possible to
specify a command/session to be run automatically at startup.  You
should check out the various command line arguments by running
x2goclient.exe in a cmd.exe window and specifying "--help" as the
parameter.  I'm pretty sure there are a few parameters that you will
want to try out.

If you don't want to go down the batch route, I could write a little
AutoIt script for you that provides a GUI wrapper for a small fee (maybe
65-75 USD - and the source would be public under GPL).

> AND - if I also have a monitor (& keyboard & mouse) on the linux 
> server - what happens?  (Thinking about, say, Windows Remote
> Desktop - I think I recall the console display just going away when
> a remote user brought it up - but I can't remember).

You have to differentiate here.  Windows' RDP client mstsc.exe is a tool
that can be used for two things.
1) You can use it to connect to another client computer runnung a client
version of Windows, in which case it will lock the local display of the
remote machine, as you only paid for a single-seat license.

2) You can use it to connect to a Windows Terminal Server, which can run
multiple GUI Sessions of various users simultaneously, that do not
interfere with the local display of that server, as the Windows Terminal
Server licensing model is designed for multi-seat use, even concurrent,
independent sessions by the same user.

X2Go is technically more comparable to 2), only that you don't have to
buy licenses, as we're strictly GPL.

(IIRC, it is *possible* to mirror/take over the local display session
with X2Go, too, but this is not the default, and judging from how you
phrased your question, I take it this also is not what you want.)

> PS:  Years ago I used a commercial product called Exceed, from a 
> Canadian company called Hummingbird. Is X2GO something like that?

My last encounter with Hummingbird also dates back a few years (ca.
2009). At my former employer, we mostly used text-based mainframe access
- - Telnet 3270 emulation - using a competitor's product called
"Attachmate Extra!".
But basically, if you'd paint a Venn diagram of Hummingbird Exceed and
X2GoClient, the only overlap would be "It has an X server that can be
accessed over the network".

X2Go adds compression and efficiency (roundtrip elimination) to the
networking layer of X.  Though with merely two computers on a Gigabit
link, you won't really notice that.  I'm surprised you're even using a
switch, you could probably just hook them up directly, Gigabit cards do
Auto-MDI/MDI-X, so you don't need a special crossover cable - getting
the switch "out of the loop" would reduce complexity (eliminating a
component that could possibly fail in the worst possible moment), which
I think is something you will prefer in a man-rated submarine.

Also, we basically offer the entire ssh login/X-forwarding/tunneling of
sound, file and printer sharing stuff in one nice GUI client.
With the Hummingbird Exceed and all comparable solutions I know, you had
to do all those steps manually, like, open a command prompt window to
ssh into the server, start your local X server, run the remote
application in the ssh session, realize you forgot to specify -X when
making the connection, log out and in again, ... plus it was sluggish as
hell given the network bandwidth we had back then (16 MBit on Token Ring
and 100MBit on Ethernet when at the main site, 128kBit - 2MBit from a
branch office).

Of course, there's way more to X2Go - check out
http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:newtox2go for an introdution - but
these should be the key points relevant for your use case.

- -Stefan

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