> Yes and no.
> For Windows, you could put the X2GoClient directory on the USB flash
> drive, add the ssh private key, and add a small batch file that runs
> x2goclient.exe with the "--portable" option.
> The catch is that there is no autorun for USB flash drives (that's a
> security feature) in Windows, so your users would have to double-click
> on the batch file.
> Using a CD/DVD would probably work, as Windows does support autorun
> there, IIRC.
> Note that a system administrator may change this and e.g. disable
> autorun completely, so there's no guarantee that it will work in 100%
> of all cases.
> - -Stefan

Hi Stefan,

Oh, I forgot to indicate that I want to do this on Linux. On Windows, I
don't know how that could work and the scripting environment is a little
sketchy, but I know that there have been similar projects under Linux, for
ssh and login, but that was a long time ago.
PamUSB if I recall correctly. Is there something like that in X2go? I just
remember seeing something in the list of features.
The idea would be (like in PamUSB it was) that when you pull the stick out,
the session autocloses.

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