> > Well, the reason is simply that I cannot install software on our
> > machines myself. Therefore I want to install as little software on
> > those machines as possible, as for every piece of software I have
> > to go through the installation steps with our IT department. They
> > for sure would install pageant as well, but it's just easier for
> > all of us if there's just one .exe to execute, rather than two of
> > them. And we probably won't run PuTTY etc. on those machines.
> Weeeell, there's no need to "install" anything at all.  While both
> X2GoClient and PuTTY come with installers, you can also just copy all
> the files to a directory of your choice (say, a network share) and
> start them from there.
> You could, for example, install X2GoClient on a test machine, then copy
> the contents of C:\Program Files\x2goclient (or whatever you picked as
> destination) to a network share, say, \\server\share\x2goclient, drop
> pageant.exe from PuTTY in there as well, and add a little batch file
> that runs pageant, adds the key, waits a few seconds, then runs
> x2goclient.
> That way, all you have to roll out is a shortcut (*.lnk) file pointing
> to the batch file on \\server\share\x2goclient.  No client-side
> installation at all.
> Of course, you could also try to use %userprofile% in the ssh keyfile
> path within the session config, but I've never tried if that works as
> intended, so no promises.
OK, this is quite a smart solution. Thank you a lot for your inputs, I really 
appreciate it.
Just, as we have already installed the client (the .exe-way), and because we're 
still undecided about introducing X2Go at all, I'll stick to pointing to the 
key file directly, at least for the moment. I actually don't even need to use 
the %userprofile% variable, as the userprofile directory is mapped to a drive 
What I'm working on right now is finding the best way to provide pre-defined 
sessions to our users. I probably got one more question, will ask in a new 

Thanks again,

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