
After some try, and a few problems, I made my connections possible, but
I have some questions:

1) On the machine where I install ssh, I always disable, for security
reason, the possibility to connect using the user password.
After some unsuccessfull tries, I saw that to be able to connect, I must
enable the connection with the password (on server side).

Is-it normal ? I don't like a simple password protection. I prefer
public key.

2) In my first tries, I had a curious message, and it was impossible to
connect. The problem was in known-host.
Deleting it done the trick, but analysing the difference between the
previous and the one generated during x2go connection, I say a
difference between records.

When using ssh in console to connect, the record looks like this :

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLX

When connecting with x2go, looks like that:

[]:22461 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E .....

Now, with my last tests, if I have a first form of record, I have this
message :

The host key for this server was not found but anothertype of key
exists. An attacker might have changed the default server key to trick
your client into thinking the key does not exist yet.

For security reasons, it is recommended to stop the connection attempt.

Do you want to terminate the connection?

Accepting, a new record is added to known host with the second form of

I noticed that a record created by x2go in a fresh known_hosts is used
without problem with ssh

Why a such difference ?
Will the ip address be updated during a future connection, as the
provider changes our public IP for time to time ?

3) Using x2go graphic window, when I choose a profile to connect, x2go
first present the box to enter the key, but user password hasn't yet
been entered, so we must cancel the key box and the error box, and then
enter the user password to have again the key box.
This is very curious, and more curious, entering the key doesn't work,
x2go always want me to enter the key.
In fact, just cancelling this box and the connection is ok. I suppose
it's due to known_host, but the way to connect is very strange.

Thanks to help me to understand all this curious facts ... curious for
my eyes, obviously ;)
Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)
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