On Fri, 30 Oct 2015, Vicker, Darby (JSC-EG311) wrote:


I'm guessing I could automate loading the xmodmap file somehow but its not
immediately obvious to me how to detect that the login is under x2go and
not a native login.  Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.

And longer term, it would be great if the x2go developers could make this
independent of the user's shell.  But please don't take that as a
complaint - I do very much appreciate having the capability x2go provides!


when running a linux client, you will find some adhoc environment variables ...
the following command will reveal them:

$ env | grep -i x2go

I suspect the behavior is the same under OSX.

So under bash, something like ...

if [ ! -z "$X2GO_SESSION" ]
  echo "load mapping ..."



Sylvain Milot (sylv...@bic.mni.mcgill.ca)
Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street
Webster 2B, Room 206
Montreal, Qc., Canada, H3A 2B4
Phone  : (514) 398-4965, Fax: 398-8948
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