Final update, in case anyone else ever bumps into this:

After digging deeper around what turned out to be a bit of a red herring
(SSSD), I stumbled across a rather simple issue relating to using numeric
only usernames, with a solution detailed at

That one quick change to support numeric usernames in later
and everything started working.



On 25 August 2016 at 15:41, Chris Collins <> wrote:

> On 25 August 2016 at 10:07, Stefan Baur <> wrote:
>> Am 25.08.2016 um 11:01 schrieb Chris Collins:
>> ...
>> > So this is a CentOS7 system using SSSD for AD authentication, but using
>> > SSH keys
>> >
>> > Any ideas would be appreciated!
>> First idea: Set up an identical test system that uses plain
>> user/password or ssh pubkey auth only, see if it occurs there, too.
>> Second idea: Try to run a desktop environment instead of a single app.
>> I have a demo server here that runs CentOS7, plain user/pass or SSH
>> pubkey auth, and am running MATE as DE on it, no issues.
> Hi Stefan,
> Thanks for responding:
> A few tests based on your suggestions:
> - enabling password logins I get the same behaviour (client hang, lots of
> looping logs).
> - Trying a desktop (this box is streamlined so I'm limited, but I
> installed Openbox), again exactly the same behaviour
> - I can't easily add local accounts, but was able to permit root logins
> via SSH for a moment to test and suddenly x2go works for root.
> I should point out that SSH works fine. It does look then like it is
> related to SSSD / AD, and as I say it seems like the known fixed bug
> Looking at the following part of the logs
>  /usr/lib64/x2go/x2gogetdisplays[ db_getdisplays called, server: login02;
> return value:
> I don't know what this should be returning exactly, but if I run
> x2gogetdisplays login02 when x2go is 'running' (client hung) I got
> nothing returned. Without any x2go processes, I get
> [root@login02 ~]# /usr/lib64/x2go/x2gogetdisplays login02
> |50|
> On a test VM I get the following response whether there are any x2go
> processes or not:
> [root@wikitest ~]# /usr/lib64/x2go/x2gogetdisplays wikitest
> |50|
> |51|
> Thanks,
> Chris
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