On Redhat derived systems there have been many recent updates to openssh,
many of them disabling known to be insecure protocols.

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On Sun, 26 Feb 2017, Mihai Moldovan wrote:

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 05:40:47 +0100
From: Mihai Moldovan <io...@ionic.de>
To: jmmec2...@yahoo.com, "x2go-user@lists.x2go.org" <x2go-user@lists.x2go.org>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] X2Go Client: Kex error : no match for method server
    host key alog: server [ssh-rsa], client [ssh-ed25519]

On 24.02.2017 01:14 AM, jmmec2...@yahoo.com wrote:
I don't know why Windows 8.1 was suddenly only supporting ssh-ed25519 and
failing to connect to my Linux Mint session with that "kex error".  What is even
stranger:  the problem suddenly went away and I could once again use the x2go
client to connect to that session (the same session that I've had running for
more than a month - maybe two months by now).  At least for now the "kex error"
is gone with the X2GO client.

That's weird... libssh shouldn't behaving differently from one invocation to the
other, really. Did you really change nothing server-side?


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