What thinclients are you using if you don't mind my asking

On Mar 1, 2017 12:31 PM, "Seth Galitzer" <sg...@ksu.edu> wrote:

> Long story short: In my thin client lab, we use an RDP client to connect
> to Windows Remote Desktop Servers and have been using XDMCP to connect to
> Linux X desktops. I want to use X2go for the superior performance,
> reliability, and security over XDMCP, but am unable to do so due to
> limitations by the thin client platform vendor. The hardware is apparently
> ordinary x86 so I'm working on rolling my own minimal image to accomplish
> this.
> With the current platform, we have desktop shortcuts that to run the
> RDP/XDMCP clients to various hosts. I'd like to try and duplicate that with
> my new image so I don't have to retrain my users. I'm scripting freerdp-x11
> for RDP connections (with NLA). After trying various ways to script
> x2goclient, I finally discovered pyhoca-cli and it works exactly the way I
> want it to.
> So that's why I hope it stays available in some form for a while. If
> there's a better way to run x2goclient completely "headless" or transparent
> to the user, I'd be happy to hear it. I've been searching through
> documentation and haven't found a way yet to do it the way that I want.
> I already have my PXE server setup, but haven't decided yet if I'm going
> to boot from a network image, or push the image down to the clients to
> pre-load for booting. My minimal debian image with all necessary tools is
> currently just over 2GB uncompressed. I'm not opposed to TCE, but I'd like
> to be able to at least customize the skin with our own branding.
> I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. I'm relatively new to X2go, so
> I'm sure there are ways to use it to help with this project I haven't
> thought of yet.
> Thanks.
> Seth
> On 02/28/2017 06:04 PM, Stefan Baur wrote:
>> Am 28.02.2017 um 21:24 schrieb Seth Galitzer:
>>> I hope this doesn't mean the pure CLI client is being abandoned. I just
>>> discovered it in getting a completely scripted solution for my thin
>>> clients. I'd be happy to help test should you need help with that.
>> What exactly are you trying to achieve with the scripted PyHoca-CLI?
>> There may be ways to achieve the same result using our new
>> X2Go-ThinClientEditon (see
>> <http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce>, or
>> <http://x2go.baur-itcs.de/x2go-tce-stable/> for  builds you can start
>> tinkering with), which uses the stock X2GoClient.
>> Please let us know your use case, and we'll see what we can come up with.
>> Also, as always, once you're happy with X2Go, please drop us a few lines
>> we can publish on our "Success Stories" page
>> (<http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:success-stories:start#success_stories
>> >).
>> -Stefan Baur
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> --
> Seth Galitzer
> Systems Coordinator
> Computing and Information Sciences
> Kansas State University
> http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~sgsax
> sg...@ksu.edu
> 785-532-7790
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