
I come from the Windows world and run a Debian server (jessie) without a graphical interface (no X server installed), keyboard and screen. Operation is normally via putty from the windows7-PC (German QWERTZU keyboard). On the Linux console all characters of the third level (AltGr or right Alt key) are displayed correctly! If I call xterm via x2go-Client (V. 1.1.1) the AltGr key has no effect!

- The automatic keyboard recognition is activated at the client!
- The files $HOME/.Xmodmap-x2go and $HOME/.Xkbmap-x2go do not exist on the server. The result of

  @09:56:57#~# xmodmap -pke
  keycode   8 = Mode_switch NoSymbol Mode_switch
  keycode   9 = Escape NoSymbol Escape
  keycode  10 = 1 exclam 1 exclam onesuperior exclamdown onesuperior
  keycode  11 = 2 quotedbl 2 quotedbl twosuperior oneeighth twosuperior
  keycode  12 = 3 section 3 section threesuperior sterling threesuperior
  keycode  13 = 4 dollar 4 dollar onequarter currency onequarter
  keycode  14 = 5 percent 5 percent onehalf threeeighths onehalf
  keycode  15 = 6 ampersand 6 ampersand notsign fiveeighths notsign
  keycode  16 = 7 slash 7 slash braceleft seveneighths braceleft
  keycode  17 = 8 parenleft 8 parenleft bracketleft trademark bracketleft
keycode 18 = 9 parenright 9 parenright bracketright plusminus bracketright
  keycode  19 = 0 equal 0 equal braceright degree braceright
  keycode 113 = ISO_Level3_Shift NoSymbol ISO_Level3_Shift

But AltGr+0 do not display curly braces. For the sake of completeness, this information:

  @10:07:13#~# xmodmap
  xmodmap:  up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):
  shift       Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
  lock        Caps_Lock (0x42)
  control     Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
  mod1        Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0x9c)
  mod2        Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4 Super_L (0x73), Super_R (0x74), Super_L (0x7f), Hyper_L (0x80)
  mod5        Mode_switch (0x8),  ISO_Level3_Shift (0x7c)

- Starting xev on the server an pressing the AltGr key displays
  KeyPress event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x400001,
    root 0x6b, subw 0x0, time 1033835042, (-99,-134), root:(662,1193),
state 0x10, keycode 113 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

- The directory /etc/X11/xkb on the server is empty, so setxkbmap reports an error under xterm!

- For the pros among you, I will attach the log file to the following session:
  * starting the x2go client
  * start from xterm
  * Key sequence QWERTZU[ENTER] AltGr+7[ENTER] exit[ENTER]
  * closing the x2go-client

Someone an idea?
Greetings from the home of CeBIT

PS: English is not my mother tongue and school time is already nearly half a century past.
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