* On 03/26/2018 11:11 PM, Qianqian Fang wrote:
> I confirm that the server giving the first error, i.e. "The remote proxy 
> closed
> the connection while negotiating..."
> has indeed installed an older version of libnx-x11 (

Hmm, mixing X2Go Server and nx-libs 3.5.0.x is not really supported.

> after letting apt-get to upgrade the nx libraries and x2go packages,
> I saw the libnx-x11 was replaced by a new package named libnx-x11-6, and
> the version is now However, now I start seeing the 2nd error
> message on those machines, i.e. "connection failed".

So, good that you upgraded.

> here is a dump of the session.log file under the failed session:
> |NXAGENT - Version||
> ||
> ||Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)||
> ||....||
> ||See https://github.com/ArcticaProject/nx-libs for more information.||
> ||
> ||Info: Agent running with pid '17844'.||
> ||Session: Starting session at 'Mon Mar 26 16:56:11 2018'.||
> ||Error: Aborting session with 'Unable to open display
> 'nx/nx,options=/tmp/.x2go-fangq/C-fangq-50-1522097770_stDXFCE_dp24/options:50''.||
> ||Session: Aborting session at 'Mon Mar 26 16:56:11 2018'.||
> ||Session: Session aborted at 'Mon Mar 26 16:56:11 2018'.||
> |

Hmm, strange. Being unable to open the internal display normally means there is
a libNX_X11 problem.

dpkg -l | grep -Ei '(x2go|nx)'
ls -ldh /usr/lib/*86*/nx/X11

> strangely, the x2go window reports something differently, it says (see 
> attached
> screenshot)
> |"PANIC!" Failure negotiating the session in stage 7||
> ||...||
> ||Wrong version or invalid session authentication cookie.||
> ||....||
> |
> are these two error messages caused by a single issue or multiple?

They are different error messages, because the first one is from nxproxy in
client mode, while the second one is from nxproxy in server mode. This error
message is a pretty generic one - the server part (which ironically runs on the
client side for reasons) expected to read authentication data from the nxproxy
client, but it never got it. Instead, the connection was just terminates

> I've already restarted x2gosever, but no dice. any other files that I need to
> reset/clear?

No. Additionally, you do not need to restart the x2goserver service at all
(unless you're upgrading the x2goserver package or modifying
/etc/x2go/x2goserver.conf) - the x2goserver service is just a cleanup utility
that syncs content in the database with what is observed on the file system. It
has nothing to do (well, mostly...) with starting or running sessions (though
I've seen strange things happening leading to session suspension, but that's a
different story and mainly caused by nxagent trying to display a popup or such).


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