Hello list,

Not an x2go problem, but maybe someone might be able to guess what is
happening here. I made a chmod 755 shell script:

$ cat /usr/lib/x2go/extensions/post-resume.d/010-xmodmap
test -f ~/.Xmodmap || exit 0
/usr/bin/xmodmap -display $DISPLAY ~/.Xmodmap

When resuming an x2go session, the script is executed, but x2go session
starts but does not show up. The problem is that in one or another way,
the xmodmap executable is waiting for something, but I have no idea
what. Putting the xmodmap line to the background using an "&" makes the
x2go session start, but the xmodmap mappings are not set. I still have
to set the key mappings manually by invoking "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap".

Anyone a hint on what's going on here?


richard lucassen
x2go-user mailing list

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