I'm using x2go on MacOSX, connecting to a Linux server.

I'm hitting this weird behavior that after pressing SHIFT, some keys don't
work. This is quite annoying when typing.

For example, when I hold SHIFT and press SPACE, I'm getting these events
from xev (Linux - server side), and SPACE doesn't show. Note the "NoSymbol"

KeyPress event, serial 285, synthetic NO, window 0x2800001,
    root 0xe3, subw 0x0, time 615096810, (353,1185), root:(357,1288),
    state 0x0, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe1, Shift_L), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyPress event, serial 285, synthetic NO, window 0x2800001,
    root 0xe3, subw 0x0, time 615097120, (353,1185), root:(357,1288),
    state 0x1, *keycode 57 (keysym 0x0, NoSymbol)*, same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

Same in xterm on Mac (client side)

KeyPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0xc00001,
    root 0x1d1, subw 0x0, time 615286125, (1429,933), root:(1449,976),
    state 0x0, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe1, Shift_L), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0xc00001,
    root 0x1d1, subw 0x0, time 615286693, (1429,933), root:(1449,976),
    state 0x1, *keycode 57 (keysym 0x20, space)*, same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (20) " "
    XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (20) " "
    XFilterEvent returns: False

Here's what setxkbmap prints (server/Linux side)

$ setxkbmap -query -v 7
Applied rules from xorg:
rules:      xorg
model:      null
layout:     us,pl
variant:    ,
options:    grp:shift_caps_toggle
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes:   xfree86+aliases(qwerty)
types:      complete
compat:     complete
symbols:    pc+us+pl:2+group(shift_caps_toggle)
geometry:   pc(pc104)
rules:      xorg
model:      null
layout:     us,pl
variant:    ,
options:    grp:shift_caps_toggle

Any ideas how to fix it?  Thanks in advance!

client: x2goclient
server: x2goserver-
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