I don't see any x2go processes running.

I have compared the debug log of this machine with one where things
work, and it seems to me that this message is where things break:

x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshprocess.cpp:532> Have stderr only, something must be wrong

I don't see that on other machines where the client just breezes past
this point.
Not sure what I should make of it though.


On 10/17/2018 10:51 AM, richard lucassen wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 17:56:00 +0200
> Daniel Kollmer <dani...@nikhef.nl> wrote:
>> Agent output: "Failed to start X2Go Agent session with ID
>> danielk-50-1539704304_stRTERMINAL_dp24. X2Go Agent terminated
>> unexpectedly. Aborting session startup. The complete relevant last
>> part of the debug log is pasted below.
> Sometimes an x2goclient process running on hangs for one or
> another reason. After running a "killall -9 x2goclient" I can start a
> new session or resume a suspended session.
> I have no idea if that's your problem btw.
> Just my 2 cts,
> R.

Daniel Kollmer
Computer Technology Group
NIKHEF - Dutch National Institute for Sub-atomic Physics
Science Park 105 1098 XG Amsterdam
Phone: +31205922164 

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