Am 14.01.19 um 11:21 schrieb Stroganov Roman:
> Thank you that you help me.
> Now I began new installation on debian stretch on yours instructions.
> After start of scripts I receive the message:
> root@tce:~/builddir# ./x2goconfig && ./x2gousbpatch && ./x2gobuild 2>&1
> | tee logfile
> One or more of the following variables is unset:
> LBX2GO_TIMESTAMP: '20190114120404'
> Please visit
> and read up on the general prerequisites for X2Go-TCE
> the same is written down in logfile
Hmm, that looks as if for some reason your exports aren't working.
Actually, I have an idea why.  Are you, by chance, running a different
default shell than bash?
You can check that using the command

ls -lah /bin/sh

-> if it says "/bin/dash" (a "d" instead of a "b"), then you need to add


as the first line of all three files, and try again.
(Thanks for the hint, by the way - I'll update the files in the wiki to
contain that line.)

If you were using bash, and it still failed with the above message - did
you really run the command as shown, and not in 3 installments, each
prefaced with sudo (because if you did that, it would explain why it's

If it's still failing with the above error message, after
checking/double-checking the items above, please run the following
(again, as root):

echo "grep results:" | tee -a debuglog
grep "LBX2GO_ARCH" ./x2goconfig 2>&1 | tee -a debuglog
echo "x2goconfig invocation" | tee -a debuglog
./x2goconfig 2>&1 | tee -a debuglog
echo "exports after x2goconfig" | tee -a debuglog
export 2>&1 | tee -a debuglog

And post the contents of the file "debuglog".

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
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