Am 21.01.19 um 14:46 schrieb
> Hello there. 
> We're trying to use X2Go in our campus as a user friendly Linux-Linux
> remote desktop solution. We would also like a SingleSingOn approach, so
> we chose to use kerberos authentication between the Linux clients and
> the X2Go server. 
> We already have a working KDC that authenticates a SSH server, as a
> test. On the client I have the Kerberos 5 Auth. option checked, but when
> I attempt the connection, the screen remains blank and never connects.
> The log shows this socket error but the authentication seems to be
> working.

Hi Rubens,

I must admit I'm not really knowledgeable about Kerberos, but since you
say the authentication is succeeding, but you end up with a blank screen
afterwards, it would be interesting to know which session type you were
using (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, ... or maybe Published Applications or a
single application) - maybe your problem isn't related to Kerberos at
all.  Also, what happens when you switch to a different session type?

And what is the output of "klist -fv"?  Is the ticket Proxyable,
Forwardable, Initial?

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
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