Am 20.02.19 um 11:46 schrieb Stroganov Roman:
>> Is it possible that something is slowing down the server (for example,
>> the server being a virtual machine, and the host running out of RAM and
>> thus using swap space on disk instead, or using slower hard disks than
>> in the old server)?
> All servers virtual. With identical hardware providing and on one host.

Yes, but maybe that one additional virtual machine is one too much, and
the host places its virtual RAM in the on-disk swap?

>> What happens when you set up a test server with a real Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,
>> rather than linux lite?  Still slow?
> I did not to start a full desktop (gnome) in ubuntu 18.04. It is just
> disconnected.

That is to be expected.  We do not support recent versions of Gnome.
Try XFCE, LXDE, MATE (after installing the corresponding packages on the

> It turned out to start separately the Firefox and OpenOffice applications.
> It works quickly!
>> Is the entire desktop running slow, or only particular applications
>> (Firefox, for example)?
> Slowly works when I give a desktop.
> As I wrote before the application (firefox, openoffice) work quickly
> everywhere. LinuxLite 3.8/LinuxLite 4.2/Ubuntu 18.04

Well, looks like your desktop setup is not well-suited to remote usage,
then ...

> When I understood it I decided to change default style (Adapta) and icon
> theme (Papirus-Adapta) in LinLite 4.2 for others (did on the server not
> through x2go). After having connected by this user through x2go I found out
> that everything works quickly.
> I decided to double-check it. And again changed style and icons for default
> (Adapta)
> I very much was surprised, but everything continued to work quickly and
> well. I several times perezagrugit the x2go server every time being
> connected to it by the same user again and everything works quickly with
> windows and linux of clients.
> After I was connected from the thin client of TCE by the same user and all
> very slowly.
> Now I have such stable results with the user of "test" (Settings of clients
> identical):
> Windows client = quickly
> Linux client = quickly
> Thin client of TCE = very slowly
> Connection by any users not of "test" (Tried to change styles and icons):
> Windows client = very slowly
> Linux client = very slowly
> Thin client of TCE = very slowly
> I could not repeat magic which turned out with the user of "test" with
> other users. I cannot understand dependence in what prevents the x2go
> server to work quickly.

> But I was convinced that x2go the server can quickly work with linux Lite
> 4.2
> Maybe somebody will prompt what in my case prevents x2go to work quickly?
> Or there can be I am mistaken what the style of a design and style of icons
> is guilty?
> There are ideas?

It's probably not the design/icon style alone, but the "eye candy".
Animated menus and things like that.  Anything that requires 3D will not
work well via X2Go.

As to why only the ThinClient is slow and remains slow, I have no idea.


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