On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 1:19 PM Thomas Stephan
<thomas.step...@lrz.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> we use x2go for multiple users to connect to workstations running Ubuntu
> 16.04.6 LTS. Clients run on MacOSX or Windows machines.
> After using the setup for some days with multiple reconnects, for
> unknown reasons we can no longer open terminal applications via these
> remote-desktops.
> This applies to all terminal applications like UXTerm, Xfce Terminal,
> XTerm, etc.
> We can still perfectly open a file manager, or e.g. Matlab and work with
> those.
> We can also no longer close the session because the confirmation dialog
> to confirm user logout does not appear.
> It seems like there is a terminal process started every time we start a
> terminal via the desktop GUI. But the window does not show up.
> After rebooting the workstation, everything works fine again, terminals
> can be opened, logout confirmation dialog pops up.

This looks to me how a shell accessing a stale mount. When then
problem shows up next time (temporarily) mv your .bashrc out of the
way and try to open an terminal.


BTW: are the home dirs local on the server or mounted via NFS?
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