
So many things I love about x2go over any other remote desktop solution,
and I've pretty much tried them all in one flavour or another.

The one thing that is really hurting me though is Chrome / webkit speed.
The issue has been discussed here before a long time ago, but I didn't see
much by way of resolution.

This is now I suspect impacting electron based apps, which are becoming
more prolific.

Bouncing between my client OS and Linux isn't desirable, and in some cases
isn't possible.

The Linux desktop is on a 200/20Mb connection with ~20ms or less RTT, which
means I get screen updates from the server -> 20Mb -> client as the server
is leveraging the upload speed to communicate back to the client.

I would imagine that 20Mb is sufficient to handle pretty much any of the
encoding settings, so I am happy to try any settings.

Server: Ubuntu MATE 18.04, installed using apt packages. ( ?)
Client: OSX

I'm a software developer so I am comfortable building from source,
administering my own machine, so happy to experiment to try and get, if not
resolution, at least a configuration that gets the best performance

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