
My setup is with a Ubuntu client and a Linux server and two monitors local.
The session is MATE. Xinerama extension enabled.

After connection the desktop is created and I have a window (not full screen)
on one monitor.

Then I stretch the remote desktop horizontally, by grabbing the right side (not
the corner). I want it to stretch it occupying my two monitors, while leaving
a little bit on space on all sides. The Xinerama extension works quite well. The
panels stay on one (local) monitor. Cool feature!

What troubles me is that the height is expanded at the same time while doing
the horizontal stretch. Sometimes the bottom edge even disappears off-screen.
There really is something funny with resizing that it keeps moving the bottom.
Even when I move the desktop window as a whole by dragging the top bar, as
you would normally move windows in Ubuntu Gnome. It seems to have a strong
preference to make the remote height the same as the height of my local monitor.

What is extra annoying is that working remotely (thanks to X2GO!) the feedback
from the remote is not immediate. So it jumps to where you don't want it to be,
before you have time to react.

So, the question is, how do I stop it from snapping to the local monitor screen

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