Thanks for your quick reply.

It turns out that Matlab by default uses an older Mesa software rendering 
module (17.3) when there is no hardware OpenGL. I tried to compile my own 
version with additional optimizations and LLVMPipe etc, but Matlab wouldn't 
accept it. No more time to debug it today, but maybe later.

Is there any documentation on using VirtualGL with x2go? I tried to google it, 
but no luck.

Johannes Töger

Associate Senior Lecturer
Cardiac MR Group
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Clinical Physiology
Lund University, Sweden

-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrich Sibiller <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 10:09
To: Johannes Töger <>
Cc: x2go users <>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Matlab graphics performance when running in x2go

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 9:51 AM Johannes Töger <> wrote:

> We’re running x2go on a compute server. Some of our apps are written in 
> Matlab with interactive GUI:s. We are seeing quite poor graphics performance 
> after moving from Matlab R2014a to R2019a, especially when using transparency 
> in 3D graphics. This might be connected to the fact that Matlab goes into a 
> software OpenGL mode.

X2go using NX cannot use hardware acceleration. Depending on your setup you can 
try one of these approaches:
- VirtualGL
- use x2gokdrive

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