Am 15.07.20 um 14:39 schrieb Jyoti Kumar:
> But I want to login with ssh key , how to do that ? I tried 
> --broker-url=ssh://1192.168.0.19:22/plain/   but it was giving error  
> "bash:/plain/: No sucjh file or directroy."
> Should I need to make some changes in /etc/x2go/x2gobroker.conf  ?  if yes , 
> what changes.

No.  Your URL is wrong.

When using ssh, you need to specify the file system path to the broker
executable as part of the URL, and separated from the server name/IP
using a colon:


Also, 1192.something is not a valid IP, you might want to double-check
that.  You probably meant 192.something?

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
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