Am 23.07.20 um 12:59 schrieb funk minion:
> Using windows client, I'm wanting to set up passwordless
> authentication. I've followed these instructions....
> ...but am still receiving a small modal dialog box prompting for an account
> password."Enter user account password:"

Have you verified that you can log in using that particular user name
and keyfile?

If you can run a commandline ssh client (not PuTTY - PuTTY has its own
keyfile format), the output of

ssh -vvv -i yourkeyfile youruser@yourhost

would be interesting.

Also, if you could check the "debug" checkbox when installing X2Go, you
could try to run

x2goclient.debug.exe --debug >x2golog.txt 2>&1 and post the output of
x2golog.txt here, after removing any confidential info from it (e.g.
look for user account names, IP addresses, DNS names etc. that you don't
want us to know, and replace them with dummy values.)

> In the settings for the session, "Use RSA/DSA key for ssh connection:"
> points to my local private key file and "Try auto login (via SSH Agent or
> default SSH key)" is checked

Did you copy-paste the path to the key file there, or did you use the
GUI to select it?

> Question: Is 'auto login' required for passwordless login?

"auto login" is required if you're using *either* an SSH-Agent like
Pageant, *or* you do not want to specify a keyfile, and instead expect
X2GoClient to search for such a file matching one of the standard file
names for key files in the default locations.

> Question: Does the term 'default SSH key' reference the id_rsa key created
> by the ssh-keygen.exe or something else?

It references a keyfile that matches one of the standard name patterns
and is located in one of the default locations for keyfiles.  It does
not matter which tool was used to generate the key, as long as the
format is the usual OpenSSH keyfile format - i.e. NOT PuTTYgen.

> Question: Does passwordless login require the use of Pageant or other
> tools, or can it be accomplished solely with x2go settings?

No, Pageant is not required as long as you use a keyfile that is in
OpenSSH format and you either named it appropriately and placed it in
one of the default locations, or you specified the proper path and file
name to it in the GUI.

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
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