Hello Christoph,

Am Donnerstag, den 30.07.2020, 15:52 +0200 schrieb Christoph Pleger:
> Hello,
> I have three questions regarding X2Go load balancing and the X2Go
> Broker 
> needed for that.
> The first question is,  if it can be avoided that user login data has
> to be 
> entered twice, once for the broker and once for the X2Go server. Is
> it 
> possible to configure x2gobroker-daemon so that it forwards the login
> data it 
> got before to the X2Go server?

It generates a ssh key pair and provides it to the x2go-server and the
See https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/x2gobroker:inifilebackend 

> The second question is if it is somehow possible that with load
> balancing it 
> is possible that every user can set his or her own connection
> parameters, like 
> with x2goclient in non-broker mode, with the remote host as only
> exception. As 
> for example display sizes and internet connection speeds differ
> between users, 
> it is quite difficult to create so many profiles on the broker
> machine so that 
> all user wishes are met.

I am not sure, but I don't think that users can override the given
profiles. In this scenario, I would provide a windowed session. If the
user resizes the window, the resolution will adapt automatically.
Even the worst internet connections in Germany (I think so?) should be
fine with the default quality options.

> The third question is if a kind of load balancing can be achieved
> that takes 
> into account
> a) that possibly not all destination hosts have the same hardware
> power, for 
> example one host may only have 8 CPU cores and 16GB Memory, while
> another has 
> 64 CPU cores and 256 GB Memory.
> b) that the real load of a host is not only decided by the number of
> logged-in 
> users, but also by what the users are doing.

Yay, it does!

The formula is:

              ( memAvail[MByte]/1000 ) * numCPUs * typeCPUs[MHz]
load-factor = --------------------------------------------------
                         loadavg*100 * numSessions

See the manpage of x2gobroker-loadchecker for details.


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