On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:23 PM kht-lists <kht-li...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> Recently I installed x2goserver on an Ubuntu Mate 20.04 machine and 
> x2goclient on my CentOS 7 workstation. I configured the session with "[X] Try 
> auto login (via SSH Agend ot default SSH key)" as I have an SSH key installed 
> on the remote machine. It connects fine over my LAN and I find the CPU 
> utilization on the remote machine much lower than with x11vnc which I had 
> been using. Her are my client related questions...
> 1) What is the CORRECT way to disconnect from the remote machine and leave 
> the remote session (and the programs on it) running? The goal being to be 
> able to check back later on the status of the work which the remote machine 
> is performing.

You can right-click on the x2go icon in you tray and select to suspend
the session. Or you can close the session window. It will then ask you
if you want to terminate or suspend the session. Of you can send a HUP
signal to the x2goagent process of you session (on the server).
Finally you can run the x2gosuspend-session command, but you must
first determine the session id from x2golistsessions.

> 2) How does one connect to more than one remote machine?  I have only been 
> able to do this by loading an additional x2goclient for the next remote 
> machine.  This seems to waste a lot of real estate.

For x2goclient there's currently no other way that to start it a
second time (but you can specify the session to use from the command
line).Or you can use pyhoca-cli (and maybe pyhoca-gui). I personally
have no experience with the pyhoca tools.


> I explained my adventures in detail on linuxquestions.org but did not receive 
> any advice. 
> https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/x2go-how-to-disconnect-and-reconnect-client-4175684245/
> Thanks,
> Ken
> I don't have a Swiss bank account but I do have a Swiss email address :-)
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