On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 4:53 PM richard lucassen
<mailingli...@lucassen.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Dec 2020 16:05:04 +0100
> Ulrich Sibiller <ul...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Unfortunately we only test on Linux.... Do you also see this on a
> > Linux server?
> I tested 2 Linux servers (both sysV):
> 1) windowmanager WindowMaker
> 2) windowmanager OpenBox

Sorry, I got that wrong, should not do too many things simultaneously.

> And the following clients:
> Debian Buster (systemd) Mate
> Debian Buster (systemd) OpenBox
> Debian Bullseye (sysV) WindowMaker (3 different computers)
> Debian Bullseye (sysV) OpenBox (3 different computers)
> > Please report the output of the following commands both inside the
> > session and on the client (outside the session):
> > - xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA
> > - xrandr
> http://tmp.xaq.nl/x2go/index.html

Looks alright, but slight dpi difference.

> > How do switch to fullscreen? There are two keyboard shortcuts:
> > ctrl-alt-f and ctrl-al-shift-f. Does one or the other make a
> > difference?
> I set client to fullscreen. I never used these shortcuts (thnx!).
> Anyway, switching to non-fullscreen and back to fullscreen seems to
> resolve the issue!

OK, then it looks like we have an issue with fullscreen on session
creation. I need to test that myself (when I find time).

Quick test: I have a test machine with nxagent where I
cannot see that behaviour. Does this also happen when you only run an
xterm in a fullscreen session?

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