Thank you, I was on the right track but this confirms it.  I am going to
edit my ansible playbook to deploy this as a patch to the file.  Hopefully
it will just keep working for a while.

Through digging around I can tell you that the broker is the one which
generates the keys.  It then calls the server to add the key, and passes
the private key back to the client to then use in the connection.  So I am
going to guess this is a bug in the broker, surely this isn't intentional
to exclude PTY in the key.

On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 9:52 AM Martin Lange <> wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> I had the same problem using plasma.
> This is because the generated ssh key includes a no-pty option.
> I don't know where this key is generated, so I "hacked" /usr/lib/x2go/
> on every server and added
> $pubkey =~ s/no-pty,//;
> on the beginning of AddAuthKey() and DelAuthKey() functions right before
> the line
> $authkeyfile =~ s/%u/$uid/;
> This removes this option from the key and works fine.
> Keep in mind you have to do this after every update of x2go server
> software.
> Maybe someone can tell us where the key is generated (I assume in the
> client executable?) - or even better - if there is a configuration flag for
> no-pty?
> Greetings
> Martin
> Am 18.01.22 um 15:33 schrieb Brian Sanders:
> Actually, I also turned on debug on the client, and it seems to indicate
> that I do auth, but am refused PTY access.
> 2go-DEBUG-../src/httpbrokerclient.cpp:684> Starting parser.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/httpbrokerclient.cpp:703> Server IP address:
> ""
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/httpbrokerclient.cpp:704> Server port: "22"
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:3695> Server: ""
> x2go-INFO-8> "Starting connection to server:"
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:2853> Starting new ssh connection to
> server:"":"22" krbLogin: false
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:168> SshMasterConnection, host
> ""; port 22; user "brians"; useproxy false; proxyserver "";
> proxyport 22
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:248> Starting SSH connection
> without Kerberos authentication.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:250> SshMasterConnection,
> instance SshMasterConnection(0x7f05c0007c50) created.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/httpbrokerclient.cpp:717> Parsing has finished.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:495> SshMasterConnection,
> instance SshMasterConnection(0x7f05c0007c50) entering thread.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:797> Session port before config
> file parse: 22
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:807> Session port after config
> file parse: 22
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:870> Session port before config
> file parse (part 2): 22
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:880> Session port after config
> file parse (part 2): 22
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:904> cserverAuth
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:943> state: 1
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:1324> Trying to authenticate
> user with private key.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:1340> Temporarily saved key in
> "/home/brians/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.DkiWvu"
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:1507> Authenticating with key: 0
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:687> User authentication OK.
> x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:1671> "ssh_channel_request_pty
> failed": "Channel request pty-req failed"
> I do in fact allow PTY in the sshd_config, however doesn't the broker
> disallow this with the key that it adds?  I see it adding the key with
> "no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc".  So is this not the key that gets
> used, and I still have some sshd_config settings somewhere, or do I have to
> tell the broker to allow this and it will update the key's settings?
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 8:52 AM Brian Sanders <>
> wrote:
>> I am trying to get the broker to work with the auto login feature, and I
>> can't seem to get it to work.  I am using an ansible playbook and building
>> a broker, and then 2 workstations.  I setup wks1 to autologin and wks2 with
>> out.  I can use wks2 just fine, but when I try and use wk1, It seems the
>> new key is added, and the workstation indicates that it accepts a session
>> for my user.  However the X2go client then shows me a login/password box
>> rather than logging me into the session.
>> I have logs from the server and the workstation, can someone help point
>> me in the right direction?
>> Session configuration:
>> command=TERMINAL
>> defsndport=true
>> useiconv=false
>> iconvfrom=UTF-8
>> height=600
>> width=800
>> export=
>> quality=9
>> fullscreen=false
>> layout=
>> useexports=true
>> speed=2
>> soundsystem=pulse
>> print=true
>> type=auto
>> sndport=4713
>> xinerama=true
>> variant=
>> usekbd=true
>> fstunnel=true
>> multidisp=false
>> sshproxyport=22
>> sound=true
>> rootless=true
>> iconvto=UTF-8
>> soundtunnel=true
>> dpi=96
>> sshport=22
>> setdpi=0
>> pack=16m-jpeg
>> directrdp=false
>> [[wks1]]
>> acl-groups-allow=test_group
>> broker-session-autologin=true
>> command=xfce
>> host=
>> name=Molecule Wks1
>> [[wks2]]
>> command=xfce
>> host=
>> name=Molecule Wks2
>> Broker logs:
>> ==> /var/log/x2gobroker/broker.log <==
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,395 - broker - INFO - client address is
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,397 - broker - DEBUG - broker_username: brians,
>> server_username: brians, password: XXXXX, task: selectsession, profile_id:
>> [wks1, cookie: 83ddbd2d-c4ca-4f22-bb0b-b3629d522fc5
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,397 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.check_access(): checking if our configured cookie
>> was submitted: False
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,397 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.check_access(): found valid auth key for user
>> cookie: brians_83ddbd2d-c4ca-4f22-bb0b-b3629d522fc5
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,398 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.check_access(): Giving cookie:
>> 0ca4bea5-f216-4f59-ae6b-1e103243814e to ip
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,402 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_agent_query_mode(): found
>> default-agent-query-mode in global config section: ssh
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,407 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_agent_hostkey_policy(): found
>> default-agent-hostkey-policy in global config section: WarningPolicy
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:07,475 - broker - INFO - Executing agent command on
>> remote host ( sh -c
>> '/usr/lib/x2go/x2gobroker-agent foo ping'
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:08,258 - broker - INFO - Broker agent answered: OK;
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:08,304 - broker - INFO - Executing agent command on
>> remote host ( sh -c
>> '/usr/lib/x2go/x2gobroker-agent brians listsessions'
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,164 - broker - INFO - Broker agent answered: OK;
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,165 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_agent_query_mode(): found
>> default-agent-query-mode in global config section: ssh
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,165 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_portscan_x2goservers(): found
>> default-portscan-x2goservers in global config section: True
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,167 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_session_autologin(): found
>> broker-session-autologin in session profile with ID [wks1: True. This one
>> has precendence over the default value.
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,177 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_authorized_keys_file(): found
>> default-authorized-keys in global config section: %h/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,221 - broker - INFO - Executing agent command on
>> remote host ( sh -c
>> '/usr/lib/x2go/x2gobroker-agent brians addauthkey
>> "no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc ssh-rsa
>> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5JtTMMkSa3yus8ciCIcYvzl7FYvEsFtoppLFyce3zEfc8+zg4xH3qSwDIHP/2f0nUBiuOESIRjsVQa0nIxjQljXegJO82p/6ixP1eZHzNZUuTCHBL4vA7QAVteHJgBFhUYz4rqPQIwyrQR9STu/cLu0fGIKvFxIf0LIC0zs2Xf+B6qQwoXQF4aR9G2AGOaeGcvwBItyLhVxWwzHmoxAHAqWMCisFPGACItfdDixhZl9IyCdcmsyFxWsndjgKPXAJGBxUREIkntaXgtZ7IrIDhrTtY9xWy0mJUwKlIdqluViMxyWagQM5TX38OVYH+fR2DaNV3WxCuO8pKHgH24ExV
>> brians@" "%h/.x2go/authorized_keys"'
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,921 - broker - INFO - Broker agent answered: OK;
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,921 - broker - DEBUG -
>> base_broker.X2GoBroker.get_authorized_keys_file(): found
>> default-authorized-keys in global config section: %h/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:09,923 - broker - DEBUG - Scheduled deletion of
>> authorized key in 20s: user=brians, hostname=,
>> hostaddr=
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:29,981 - broker - INFO - Executing agent command on
>> remote host ( sh -c
>> '/usr/lib/x2go/x2gobroker-agent brians delauthkey
>> "no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc ssh-rsa
>> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5JtTMMkSa3yus8ciCIcYvzl7FYvEsFtoppLFyce3zEfc8+zg4xH3qSwDIHP/2f0nUBiuOESIRjsVQa0nIxjQljXegJO82p/6ixP1eZHzNZUuTCHBL4vA7QAVteHJgBFhUYz4rqPQIwyrQR9STu/cLu0fGIKvFxIf0LIC0zs2Xf+B6qQwoXQF4aR9G2AGOaeGcvwBItyLhVxWwzHmoxAHAqWMCisFPGACItfdDixhZl9IyCdcmsyFxWsndjgKPXAJGBxUREIkntaXgtZ7IrIDhrTtY9xWy0mJUwKlIdqluViMxyWagQM5TX38OVYH+fR2DaNV3WxCuO8pKHgH24ExV
>> brians@" "%h/.x2go/authorized_keys"'
>> 2022-01-18 13:45:30,816 - broker - INFO - Broker agent answered: OK;
>> Workstation auth.log
>>  Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36704]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36705]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36706]: Accepted publickey for
>> x2gobroker from port 58526 ssh2: RSA
>> SHA256:dBs4pnJUuc0/h4OUI52+D8aKAbTaDC1QYtbB8/eH/l4
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36706]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: New session 32 of user
>> x2gobroker.
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session):
>> session opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36706]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> closed for user x2gobroker
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Session 32 logged out.
>> Waiting for processes to exit.
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Removed session 32.
>> Jan 18 13:45:07 ubuntu-focal sshd[36820]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36821]: Accepted publickey for
>> x2gobroker from port 58530 ssh2: RSA
>> SHA256:dBs4pnJUuc0/h4OUI52+D8aKAbTaDC1QYtbB8/eH/l4
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36821]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: New session 34 of user
>> x2gobroker.
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/x2golistsessions
>> --all-servers
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36821]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> closed for user x2gobroker
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Session 34 logged out.
>> Waiting for processes to exit.
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Removed session 34.
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36921]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36922]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36923]: Accepted publickey for
>> x2gobroker from port 58536 ssh2: RSA
>> SHA256:dBs4pnJUuc0/h4OUI52+D8aKAbTaDC1QYtbB8/eH/l4
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal sshd[36923]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:08 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: New session 35 of user
>> x2gobroker.
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/mkdir -p
>> /home/brians/.x2go
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/touch
>> /home/brians/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/cat
>> /home/brians/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tee -a
>> /home/brians/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sshd[36923]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> closed for user x2gobroker
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Session 35 logged out.
>> Waiting for processes to exit.
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Removed session 35.
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sshd[37020]: Accepted publickey for brians
>> from port 42394 ssh2: RSA
>> SHA256:4fPeupT3DmbLhiYOu08NOn1H8wYDYxEVVpHSg+gWLtw
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal sshd[37020]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> opened for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: New session 36 of user
>> brians.
>> Jan 18 13:45:09 ubuntu-focal systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session):
>> session opened for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:10 ubuntu-focal sshd[37020]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> closed for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:10 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Session 36 logged out.
>> Waiting for processes to exit.
>> Jan 18 13:45:10 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Removed session 36.
>> Jan 18 13:45:29 ubuntu-focal sshd[37159]: error:
>> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> Jan 18 13:45:29 ubuntu-focal sshd[37160]: Accepted publickey for
>> x2gobroker from port 58540 ssh2: RSA
>> SHA256:dBs4pnJUuc0/h4OUI52+D8aKAbTaDC1QYtbB8/eH/l4
>> Jan 18 13:45:29 ubuntu-focal sshd[37160]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:29 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: New session 38 of user
>> x2gobroker.
>> Jan 18 13:45:29 ubuntu-focal systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session):
>> session opened for user x2gobroker by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ;
>> PWD=/var/lib/x2gobroker ; USER=brians ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/sed -e
>> s!^no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc ssh-rsa
>> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5JtTMMkSa3yus8ciCIcYvzl7FYvEsFtoppLFyce3zEfc8+zg4xH3qSwDIHP/2f0nUBiuOESIRjsVQa0nIxjQljXegJO82p/6ixP1eZHzNZUuTCHBL4vA7QAVteHJgBFhUYz4rqPQIwyrQR9STu/cLu0fGIKvFxIf0LIC0zs2Xf+B6qQwoXQF4aR9G2AGOaeGcvwBItyLhVxWwzHmoxAHAqWMCisFPGACItfdDixhZl9IyCdcmsyFxWsndjgKPXAJGBxUREIkntaXgtZ7IrIDhrTtY9xWy0mJUwKlIdqluViMxyWagQM5TX38OVYH+fR2DaNV3WxCuO8pKHgH24ExV
>> brians@$!! -e /^$/d -i /home/brians/.x2go/authorized_keys
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened
>> for user brians by (uid=0)
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed
>> for user brians
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal sshd[37160]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
>> closed for user x2gobroker
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Session 38 logged out.
>> Waiting for processes to exit.
>> Jan 18 13:45:30 ubuntu-focal systemd-logind[713]: Removed session 38.
>> Jan 18 13:45:32 ubuntu-focal dbus-daemon[701]: [system] Failed to
>> activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
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