Dare Obasanjo wrote:

> From the point of view of an implementor the XPathService returns
> within ResourceSets and this is way too coarse grained. In fact I feel the
> concept of making ResourceSets the return value of XPath queries is a bad
> for a few reasons
> 1.) It is inconsistent with standard XPath.
> 2.) It is confusing to novice developers.
> 3.) Very rarely is a user simply interested in just the documents that
> the query but in the actual nodes even for queries that return node lists.

There is no reason that a "Resource" need be equated with a "Document", so I
disagree with the point about this being too 'coarse grained'.

But you bring up a good point that the result set of an XPath query need not
always be XML.

A solution to this issue might be to define a 'simple type' Resource (this
is along the lines of how the DOM defines nodes with a type flag) e.g.
something like the interface

interface SimpleTypeResource extends Resource {
    const STRING_TYPE = 1;
    const INTEGER_TYPE = 2;
    const FLOAT_TYPE = 3;
    const DATE_TYPE = 4;
    int getType();
    String getString();
    void setString();
    Integer getInteger() throws cast...
    Date getDate();

This interface would roughly encapsulate the XML Scheme predefined simple

When an XPath query returns a ResourceSet, one could inspect each of the
resources to see whether they are an XMLResource, BinaryResource, or


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