On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 19:01:59 -0800
"Vladimir R. Bossicard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > For a new release of XML:DB API we should resolve the issue with (de)
> > registering databases. Xindice would like to (de)register *one* db
> > instance for several names. Currently this is not supported. For three
> > different names/uri three databases will be (de)registered. Well, this
> > is not the wanted behaviour - but I don't like the proposed patch with
> > the StringTokenizer. Does you guys have other ideas?
> it depends if you want to change the interface or not.
> If a change is ok, 'Iterator getNames()' could solve the problem.  Once
> this is in place, you can do whatever you want internally to handle
> multiple names/single database.
> If you don't want to change the interface, you could go with a getName()
> returning an XML string.

Because it's a new release of XML:DB API we should extend the current
API to provide a new method "getNames()" in addition to "getName()".
Any objection? Per? Kimbro?

Regards, Lars.
Lars Martin                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com
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