On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Tom Russo wrote:

> Looking at the code quickly, it looks like xastir's supposed to be completely
> deleting station records after the station delete time, not just marking
> them inactive in some way.  Is that right?

There's a ghosting time and then a clearing/deleting time.  Stations
are supposed to have one of three states:

  Time to be deleted

It looks like we have yet another counter in there as we have a
sec_clear and a sec_remove.  At the moment I can't think of a good
reason why we need both, as a station could certainly be removed
from the database at the point it is cleared off the screen.
Perhaps that's so that we can adjust the station clear time up and
down and still have a buffer time there?  Not sure.  We have timing
adjustment sliders for each.

  sec_old = (time_t) get_long ("DEFAULT_STATION_OLD", 1l, 604800l, 4800l);
  sec_clear = (time_t) get_long ("DEFAULT_STATION_CLEAR", 1l, 604800l, 43200l);
  sec_remove = get_long("DEFAULT_STATION_REMOVE", 1l, 604800*2, sec_clear*2);

Here are my current settings:


My sliders are set for 45 min, 40 hours, and 2 days respectively.
Those correspond with the seconds numbers in my config file.

> Does anyone else have a long-running instance of xastir (24 days or older)
> that can check to see if their "Include Expired Data" shows stations that
> vastly exceed the age supposedly allowed by the station delete time?

I have one instance at home in the 2+ days category and one station
at work currently at 63+ days.  I'll take a look.  I seem to have
noticed more memory usage over the last month or three.  Perhaps
station expiration has something to do with it.

> If this is something that was addressed in a recent commit (I dimly recall
> some commit messages about clearing out data, but can't remember what they
> were), then I'll just update, but if not, then a debugging run is in order.

As I recall it had to do with weather alert expirations.  I don't
think anyone has touched station expiration code in a while.
Perhaps a tweak here or there to get rid of compiler warnings
screwed something up.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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