On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

Will xastir read from a pipe instead of a serial port device special
file in the TNC interface code?

It's not set up to do so right now.  We use pipes inside Xastir, but
not there.

You could try a named pipe.  I don't know how the serial code would
handle that.

I had the idea of a simple daemon that would speak MKISS to the TNC,
then break out individual streams over named pipes and let xastir talk
to them.

You could also create pty's that Xastir could talk to.  Might
require zero or few changes to Xastir in that case.

An alternative idea was to add a KISS network interface, for use with
things like socat et al.  Would allow the MKISS daemon to talk to
network ports instead of named pipes, and has the added benefit of
allowing xastir to talk to network serial ports.

That would be sweet.  I hear there's a possible solution to the
remote TNC problem coming out soon from someone else.  I don't know
details but I know someone who's beta-testing it.  If it's
open-source it'd be a shame for you to duplicate effort along those
lines, that's why I'm mentioning it.

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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