On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 09:12:10PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <xas...@trinnet.net> flavor, containing:
> Hello Tom,
> Thanks so much for the reply..  Please see inline..
> > Without this you can't use GeoTIFF format maps.  The USGS used to distribute
> > lots of topo maps in this format, and it is still popular around the world
> > for other types of maps.
> Ok, that's probably not good.  

You can live without geotiff support, but if you want it you have to have
both libproj and libgeotiff (and associated development headers) installed,
and libgeotiff must be built to use libproj.

I am not sure that the Centos build of proj and libgeotiff are actually usable
in Xastir (there are details which can interfere) --- Centos, if I am not
mistaken, is very similar to Fedora and may use the same package repository.
Fedora's libproj and libgeotiff have issues, and the installation notes for
Fedora on the Xastir wiki recommend not using the packaged versions of these,
preferring instead a source code build.  See the Installation Notes section
of the Xastir wiki under Fedora 15 for details.

If you don't want to go through the trouble, what you give up is USGS topo maps
and any other maps provided in GeoTIFF format (none of the on-line maps require

> I've posted the output of building Xastir 
> here:
> Looking around trying to troubleshoot the "Xpm" issue,
> --
> checking X11/xpm.h usability... yes
> checking X11/xpm.h presence... yes
> checking for X11/xpm.h... yes
> checking for library containing XpmWriteFileFromPixmap... -lXpm
> checking Xm/XpmI.h usability... no
> checking Xm/XpmI.h presence... no
> checking for Xm/XpmI.h... no

The absense of XpmI.h is not a problem.  It is not necessary for every 
check to come up with a "yes" here --- configure is trying to figure out what
is what on your system, and adapt accordingly.  My system doesn't have 
XpmI.h either.

> >
> >> TBD: I don't think we can deal with colorspace != RGBTBD
> > One or more of your selected maps has an image colorspace that Xastir 
> > doesn't
> > like.  Unfortunately, the error message doesn't say which one, but grepping
> > through the source code shows a similar error message in the handlers for
> > OSM, WMS, geo and tiger map formats.
> Guess I'll have to update those comments to be unique per section and 
> try again.
> > See if OSM_tiled_mapnik works for you.  If so, then it is likely there is
> > something up with the OSM server you've selected.  Lots of the other errors
> > you're posting below imply that is the source of some of these issues.
> Nope.. mapnik doesn't work.

Does it give the same error?  I use OSM_tiled_mapnik all the time and it
always works.  

> >> ----------------------------------------------------------
> >> When I try to load the OSM_tiled_osmarender map
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> Download error for tile: 
> >> http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/8/39/98.png
> >> curl told us 6
> > Look suspiciously like there's a problem with the osmarender server.
> It doesn't even resolve.. where do these hostnames come from?  Is there 
> a master tile server that Xastir queries or are these hostnames 
> hardcoded into the Xastir source code?
> [dranch@hampacket2 ~]$ host tah.openstreetmap.org
> Host tah.openstreetmap.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

tah.openstreetmap.org doesn't resolve here, either.

The tile servers are defined in the .geo file associated with the online
map selected.  tah.openstreetmap.org is in the OSM_tiled_osmarender.geo 
file.  OSM_tiled_mapnik.geo uses tile.openstreetmap.org, which resolves
Just Fine here:

> nslookup tile.openstreetmap.org

Non-authoritative answer:
tile.openstreetmap.org  canonical name = tile.geo.openstreetmap.org.
tile.geo.openstreetmap.org      canonical name = us.tile.openstreetmap.org.
us.tile.openstreetmap.org       canonical name = london.tile.openstreetmap.org.
Name:   london.tile.openstreetmap.org

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236        http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick

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