With xastir not running, do a "ps auxw | grep xastir" and see if there is a
xastir process running. If so  (I would be surprised if not), kill it.

Sometimes a child process from xastir stays running.

- Jason

On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 7:10 PM Phil <phill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This has occurred because I did not properly uninstall a previous
> version of Xastir that I'd built. The question is, how do I rectify the
> problem? I had renamed the .xastir directory but that's not the answer.
> I now have version 2.1.4 installed from the Ubuntu repository which ran
> correctly but not after a restart this morning.
> phil@phil-ThinkPad-T420:~$ xastir
> Found pid file: /home/phil/.xastir/xastir.pid
> Other Xastir process, pid: 2294 does not appear be running.
> Built-in map types:
>        gnis   USGS GNIS Datapoints
>         pop   USGS GNIS Datapoints w/population
>         map   APRSdos Maps
>         map   WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS Maps
> Support for these additional map types has been compiled in:
>         geo   Image Map (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library, many
> formats allowed)
>         geo   URL (Internet maps via libcurl library)
>         geo   URL (OpenStreetMaps via libcurl library
>                    Copyright OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA)
>         shp   ESRI Shapefile Maps (Shapelib library)
>         tif   USGS DRG Geotiff Topographic Maps (libgeotiff/libproj)
> x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 2: 98 - Address already in use
> Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
> could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
> x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 10: 98 - Address already in use
> Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
> could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
> x_spider: Couldn't open any sockets
> Unable to setup any x_spider server sockets.
> festival_client: connect to server failed
> x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 2: 98 - Address already in use
> Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
> could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
> x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 10: 98 - Address already in use
> Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
> could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
> x_spider: Couldn't open any sockets
> Unable to setup any x_spider UDP server sockets.
> Could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
> UDP_Server process died.
> SayText: Couldn't open socket to Festival
> XReadBitmapFile() failed: Bitmap not found?
> /usr/local/share/xastir/symbols/2x2.xbm
> --
> Regards,
> Phil (vk4bvm)
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