telnet localhost 1314 results in "connection refused"

/etc/hosts had a line that read " localhost" I added "localhost.localdomain" to that line.

Running xastir after the addition results in the error messages:

x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 2: 98 - Address already in use
Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 10: 98 - Address already in use
Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
x_spider: Couldn't open any sockets
Unable to setup any x_spider server sockets.
festival_client: connect to server failed
x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 2: 98 - Address already in use
Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
x_spider: Can't bind local address for AF 10: 98 - Address already in use
Either this OS maps IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and this may be expected or
could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
x_spider: Couldn't open any sockets
Unable to setup any x_spider UDP server sockets.
Could some processes still be running from a previous run of Xastir?
UDP_Server process died.
SayText: Couldn't open socket to Festival
XReadBitmapFile() failed: Bitmap not found? /usr/local/share/xastir/symbols/2x2.xbm

Which is where I was a day or two ago. The suggestion to kill running processes now has no effect. I have now removed the addition that I added to /etc/hosts.

Any ideas? Surely I can't be the only one to have installed Xastir from the 20.04 Ubuntu repository and run into problems.



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