Try the /dev/cu.whatever device special file. 

It’s been a few years but when I hit the same problem (well, Kermit not putty) 
switching to cu did the trick. 


> On Feb 7, 2021, at 8:44 PM, Eric Chamberlain <> wrote:
> I've been trying to configure an interface to read the tinytrak4 TNC, which 
> is supposed to operate as KISS according to their docs.  When I run PuTTY on 
> the /dev/tty.usbserial-1430 port I can see packets coming in from a test 
> transmitter.  I close putty and open xastir so the port isn't blocking.  When 
> I go to start the TNC interface, in mac it hangs without messages in the 
> terminal window.  On the putty it doesn't hang but there's nothing.  There 
> are never incoming packets from the view data window.  Unfortunately, Byonics 
> say they don't know much about xastir.  I've tried this both on my mac and my 
> raspberry.  The cable setup works for programming and PuTTY, so I don't think 
> its that or drivers.  I think it comes down to settings.  Is there anything I 
> can try?
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