Hello Liz,

For the annual running of Grandma's Marathon, in Duluth MN the runners wear
RFID tags and the local amateur radio community provides health & wellness
communications with amateurs stationed all along the course.  We also use
motorcycles that can respond up and down the course and drive in front of
the lead elite runners, and those motorcycles are operated by hams with
dual-band radios capable of APRS so net control knows where they are on the
course at any time.  The ice and water truck is also equipped with APRS.

I hope this helps.

Diane K0DSL

On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 1:30 AM Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:

> Has anyone on this list had experience in using APRS tracking for
> ultramarathon runners?
> I've set the "reply_to" to me to discourage misuse of the list.
> Liz
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Diane Saunders

Why is it that the instruments we use to look for intelligent life all
point away from Earth?
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