On 9/20/06 12:39 AM, Curt Mills wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2006, Tom Russo wrote:
>> Sed is for wimps.
>> Real Programmers use "cat" as their editor.
> Call me a real programmer then...   I've done that on occasion!

Jeez, what's that make me.. I don't know how many times I've not
bothered to write a shell script to a file, but just strung the commands
together on the commandline ( for H in `ldapsearch -x -b "ou=Hosts"
'(cn=*)' dn -LLL | grep -v '^$' | sed 's/^dn: cn=\(.*\),ou=Host.*/\1/'`
; do ssh $H uptime ; done )

And yes, scarily enough, I did that from memory.  Just shortened the
base for the ldap query...

Steve Huston - W2SRH - Unix Sysadmin, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences
  Princeton University  |    ICBM Address: 40.346525   -74.651285
    126 Peyton Hall     |"On my ship, the Rocinante, wheeling through
  Princeton, NJ   08544 | the galaxies; headed for the heart of Cygnus,
    (609) 258-7375      | headlong into mystery."  -Rush, 'Cygnus X-1'
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