On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 18:18 -0500, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
> Tom Russo wrote:
> We could go on and on about wikis in general.  I still believe that done 
> right, it's a great way to document a project and have some interactive 
> comments.  For example, I used a wiki entry to document model run 

<<snip, snip>>

wiki's can be a very effective and efficient way to provide a "live"
document that remains up-to-date.  However, I don't think it should
completely replace documentation provided with the software package.
This documentation should be general in nature and be geared toward
getting the software built and installed.

> IF you don't control access, things tend to get a bit frenetic.  New 
> wiki topics sprout up without cause, reason or rhyme.  Changes 
> unreflective of reality appear from ID10Ts.  Well meaning folk who 
> shouldn't be allowed off Atari's (remember them?) make mods based on 
> their experience with a release that's not even maintained in CVS 
> because the punch cards don't read anymore.  'Nuff said.

I have a fundamental believe that a wiki should be a living document
that is comprised of many authors.  However, I have seen many wiki's
fall into complete disarray with duplicate threads and incoherent text.
Having said that, I would like to see the Xastir wiki fall somewhere in
between.  I would look for a general consensus as to overall format and
layout.  The Xastir website as well as the wiki is a community tool to
document and promote the use of this thing we call Xastir.  I would
encourage and welcome participation of all to make this happen.  I've
been considering something along the lines of a traditional manual along
with a number of specific HowTo's.  This manual, if laid out correctly,
could even be printed or provided as a PDF if one desired.  Some of the
more esoteric or obscure topics could have their own Notes: category.

I would also think that the documentation that is currently provided in
the package needs to be revamped and streamlined.  This, to provide a
user with enough background information to build a functioning APRS
client along with a resources section to point out where to find
additional information.  Just my rambling thoughts.

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