On 31 Oct 2006, at 00:02, Stephen Brown Jr wrote:

I had a real time installing the latest CVS build under Ubuntu 6.06 but I did get it working. There were countless libraries and other things I had to change in order to get it working, unfortunately I did so much I can't remember half of what I did. There is an alternative solution if all you
care about is running the latest version of Xastir, there is a way to
install it from Edgy's repositories. I found a tool called prevu on the Ubuntu forums that essentially allows you to backport applications from Edgy to Dapper. I did this lastnight and it worked flawlessly. The latest version
is sitting the Edgy repositories(1.8.2)

If your interested in building completely from source, I can dig up the emails I have with solutions to some of the problems I had and I'll try and help as best as I can. I would eventually like to see this built as a .deb
package specifically for Ubuntu complete with dependencies etc.

My xastir/Linux laptop went belly up, as soon as I get it back running (or a replacement) I'll be putting ubuntu onto it, and its my intention to do exactly this.

If all the libraries aren't present in binary form, I'm planning to make .deb's of them and then to create a .deb of xastir itself. I've to figure out how to replace the kernel on the livecd first :)

Then again I might just create a new livecd with the current/latest version of xastir on there and with all options enabled. I've not really made up my mind yet.. but a livecd does give me that warm fuzzy feeling :)

de John

John Ronan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, +353-51-302938
Telecommunications Software &  Systems Group,  http://www.tssg.org

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