So that worked...

Now I'm down to making the CVS work.  Thanks Tate!

Eric Christensen wrote:
> Ummmm... Yeah.  It says it isn't installed.  Interesting.  I just
> installed it and I'm going to try it again.
> Thanks!
> Eric
> Tate wrote:
>> Eric Christensen wrote:
>>> So I thought that CentOS would be close enough to Fedora to use those
>>> instructions.  So I followed these instructions,
>>>, to install Xastir.
>>> Ran into a couple of problems...
>>> First, I attempted to install libgeotiff.  I could never get the "make"
>>> to work.  I kept getting the following error:
>>> make: autoconf: Command not found
>>> make: *** [configure] Error 127
>>> I was able to "make" in the previous steps just not this one.
>>> My second problem was with getting the Xastir files from SourceForge.
>>> When I used CVS and hit "enter" at the "CVS password" prompt nothing
>>> would happen.
>>> Anyone have any ideas for me on these problems, please?
>>> 73s,
>>> Eric KF4OTN
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>>> Xastir mailing list
>> Hey Eric,
>> What does:
>> $rpm -q autoconf
>> Show you?
>> On mine, I get:
>> autoconf-2.59-12
>> No idea if the Fedora repositories work for CentOS or not - but if
>> there's something configured in the way of repositories, you could try
>> the ol 'yum install autoconf <enter>' - see what that gets ya.
>> 73, Tate
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>> Xastir mailing list
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